

Well I know she didn't party. She still probably hung out with Eric. Still probably kissed him, again.

I don't think she misses me. That hurts.

I hung out with Laura tonight which was good. Talked about all our relationship shit and actually talked about teh secks omgwtf. Saw Stephen too, which was nice.

I guess....I think she may almost have to date Eric or hook up with him or whatever. I also don't think she'd let me find out if she was dating him or she may not "officially" date him even if he's the only one she's interested in right now, which is great.

I just hope if she dates him, realizes he's an ass/it doesn't work/whatever and that makes her appreciate me. But maybe, if she's had some feelings for him for awhile, she needs to be with him for a little for our relationship to last anyway, so it won't be hanging in the back of her mind if/when we do get back together.

Unfortunately I can't see him dropping the ball with her, but I could be wrong. I do know that he is sleazy based on all this even if she doesn't. If she doesn't mind being with someone who has no class or respect for relationships then fine. All I know is I wouldn't come onto a girl and tell her my feelings if she was in love, and then I really wouldn't keep pursuing it if she shot me down.

Of course, I don't know how much she shot him down. For all I know she said "I have feelings for you but I love Joe" or some shit the first time.

God damn I have alot of work to do now. >_<

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